14/5/ · Allegory of the Cave Essays On Literature Plato’s allegory of the cave is considered a good example of illustrating the way people think. It also explains the concepts of adapting people to different changes including things they don’t know or are not familiar with Essay On The Allegory Of The Cave Words4 Pages Plato vs. Matrix The matrix and the allegory of the cave give knowledge and an understanding of showing the truth, what is real life like? The dilemmas in the “Allegory of the Cave” and The Matrix revise the idea of what, “real life” is, what the right choices are, and how to make them 27/4/ · Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is one of the most potent and pregnant of allegories that describe human condition in both its fallen and risen states. The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's explanation of the education of the soul toward enlightenment. It is also known as the Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave, or the Parable of the Cave
Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay example | Bartleby
They are banded with shackles. They only saw some shadows of creatures such as animals and plants because of the allegory of the cave essay lighten in the cave. These shadows are controlled by some people who decide what they want to show. Suddenly, one of them was freed from shackles and for the first time, he walked out of the cave and discovered the fire that lighten things in the cave and saw the sun and it blinded him.
Then, he realized allegory of the cave essay the power of enlightenment came from the sun. He also saw real animals and plants and understood that what he saw is a mere shadow not the reality of things. Day to day, we use this allegory in our daily life. Secondly, the shadows that are the mere reflections of the reality.
Thirdly, the chains or the shackles that holds the prisoners. Forth, the people who decide what we see represents the politics or the media. For example, some Journals like Youm 7 or El-Watan provide the Egyptians with certain news and issues the President and his entourage would agree with. Fifth, the prisoners are the people who refuse to learn new things and hold on their beliefs and ignore anything that deviates them. Sixth, the sun light represents the reality they scape from; they were living in complete darkness.
Reflecting the allegory of cave into our life especially when using social media such as Facebook and Twitter is very essential. Humans by natural are social beings, however, after introducing the social media, they started to isolate themselves hours, days and even weeks in their houses.
They become prisoners of these media that reduce human interactions and engagements. It also narrows our scope of thinking by dealing with the people who allegory of the cave essay the same mind or thinking who share the same things. Thus, we are not introduced to new ideas or minds, allegory of the cave essay. We are only allegory of the cave essay or limited with our circle of friends and relatives.
People start to become blind or visually impaired; they prefer to stay in their caves unlike the people who spend much time in real world. Thus, social media imprison their minds in computers, allegory of the cave essay.
They also fail to differ between the real objects and illusions such as fake news or facts. Also, the puppets control what they see same for the social media, News are directed toward a certain direction or viewed as a deviated point of view.
We saw a lot of fallacies made without getting aware of them. Thus, some of the implications of using the socials media are failing to deal with humans or challenges in real life and getting blinded when going out to the real world.
They only care about fake reality or ideal reality they live in the social media. Every aspect of the cave represents significant part in our modern life especially social media life that makes humans close minded. Sample papers provided at this site aim to help students determine the structure for their text and find great ideas and arguments they can use, allegory of the cave essay. Such examples also can give you an insight into your topic and help determine what major aspects you have to address in your paper.
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Plato's Allegory of the Cave - possible understandings
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14/5/ · Allegory of the Cave Essays On Literature Plato’s allegory of the cave is considered a good example of illustrating the way people think. It also explains the concepts of adapting people to different changes including things they don’t know or are not familiar with The Allegory of the Cave Essay Words7 Pages The Allegory of the Cave or also known as, Myth of the Cave, is a good example of explaining the feature of the way people think. It is a concept that demonstrates how humans are fearful of change and what they don’t know 24/3/ · Plato’s allegory of the cave is a parable to understand the process of how a person becomes enlightened; including the positives and negatives influences it can have on a person in their natural environment, in other words our responses and reaction to being freed from their chains and being forced to experience life outside the cave
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