Corals reefs are living creatures and ecosystems that are located in shallow warm tropical oceans, which house hundreds of tropical species of fish. Unfortunately, tourism and human related climate change is killing reef’s around the world causing loss of habitat and pressuring species survival The coral reef is in the shallow part of the ocean it is usually clear and the warmth is about medium. The warmth in the coral reefs stays between 75 degrees to 85 degrees. The coral reefs is located around the indo pacific region Austria American and African west coast. The coral reef biome is over 1, miles Lark Coral Reef Essay; Lark Coral Reef Essay. Words 2 Pages. PCBs were identified in all reef surface sediment samples, reflecting worldwide pollution by these compositions in the coral reef sediments of the fragile ecosystem at Kharg and Lark coral reefs, the Persian Gulf
Coral Reefs Essay - Words | Bartleby
Ocean acidification is described by many scientists as a consequence of rapid increase of carbon dioxide absorbed coral reef essay the ocean. As ocean acidity increases, its capacity to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere decreases. This decreases the ocean 's role in moderating climate change, "they write Cullinane. As serious as this may seem several damaging effects are happening to the oceans as we speak.
This lifestyle can be too much for the fragile ecosystems our world coral reef essay. The rise of ocean acidification lowers the Ph level, which kills the coral that holds some of the most beautiful life.
The Scientist coral reef essay researched Ocean Acidification left a great understanding to how carbon works with the sea, coral reef essay. These studies…. Endangered coral reef essay such as the seaturtle or the polar bear are especially vulnerable to the effects of oil. Should they become extinct, they will be wiped out of our planet, permanently. Furthermore, habitats such as the fragile coral reefs, will be forever changed from the oil released by offshore oil drilling.
In addition to providing shelter, food, and protection to organisms, as well as being ecological treasures that large industries such as fishing rely on, habitats like coral reefs should not be placed at risk by oil drilling. Not only does direct contact with oil destroy the coral, but also even with clean up attempts, large traces of oil can still be found. Just recently, the Acropora species in and around the Caribbean reefs were completely wiped out by coral disease.
Sea surface temperatures are increasing as a result of climate change and this is having two coral reef essay impacts on reef systems. Firstly, an increase in temperature encourages infectious diseases. As these natural disasters occur, more and more carbon dioxide pollutes the oceans. Then the cycle repeats over and over. Pollution, overfishing, and natural disasters are affecting the oceans in a negative way. Pollution is killing the organisms and plants enabling us from using their resources.
Overfishing is endangering the fish and causing the animals to relocate, as well as natural disasters occurring from the carbon dioxide being released causing troubles with global warming. Our impacts, starting with pollution, coral reef essay, which leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, which leads to irregular climate change coral reef essay increased temperatures.
This has already been the cause of mass coral bleaching and it is only predicted to worsen. Coastal building increases the occurrence of nutrient run-off from construction and chemicals and other toxins.
The increased interest in the exotic pet trade damages the coral reefs when trappers usually are careless and will trample or bang on the coral with sticks to get the fish to come out. Over fishing disrupts the coral reef essay of this ecosystem and the food chain can be impaired as well. However, coral reef essay, when the levels of carbon concentration increases, the H in pH also increases causing the pH values to decline.
As the level of carbon starts to increase, it creates an acid called H2CO3 which inhibits calcification procedures on oysters and crustaceans Kantharia The blockage of the calcification procedure due to ocean acidification deprives marine life-forms of their survival which would prove to be a threat to people coral reef essay are part of the business of collecting pearls from oysters or buying, selling, or consuming of crustaceans as food….
Although we are unsure coral reef essay acidification can lead to coral bleaching at this time, it is obvious to see coral reef essay negative effects it is having on our reefs Ware. The Ocean Portal Team at the Smithsonian dig deeper into the acidification process and allow for a better understanding of the progression.
With our heavy reliance on greenhouse gases, we have now pumped more carbon into the atmosphere than it can naturally handle.
As a result, ocean organisms are intaking a lot of this carbon, which has led to a reduction in pH of the waters. Uncontrolled coastal development, vehicle traffic on beaches, and other human activities have directly destroyed or disturbed sea turtle nesting beaches around the world. Turtle feeding grounds such as coral reefs and sea grass beds are damaged and destroyed by activities onshore, including sedimentation from clearing of land and nutrient run-off from agriculture.
Unusually warm temperatures caused by climate change are disrupting the normal ratios, resulting in fewer male hatchlings.
Heat of the ocean water can affect the coral reefs. If the temperature of the ocean changes too fast, and the coral reefs do not have enough time to adapt, coral reef essay, they may lose their zooxanthellae and they may become completely white, and more fragile.
Coral reefs have many factors that build up to be a pleasure to the eye, but we have to help protect it and keep…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays.
Sign in, coral reef essay. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Coral Reefs Essay. Show More. The Importance Of Ocean Acidification Ocean acidification is described by many scientists as a consequence of rapid increase of carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean.
Read More. Words: - Pages: 4. Coral Reef Climate Change This lifestyle can be too much for the fragile ecosystems our world holds. Words: - Pages: The Negative Effects Of Offshore Oil Drilling Endangered animals such as the seaturtle or the polar bear are especially vulnerable to the effects of oil. Words: - Pages: 6. Coral Reef Deforestation Just recently, the Acropora species in and around the Caribbean reefs were completely wiped out by coral disease.
Words: - Pages: 5. National Ocean Policy As these natural disasters occur, more and more carbon dioxide pollutes the oceans, coral reef essay. Words: - Pages: 2. World Most Endangered Ecosystems Our impacts, coral reef essay, starting with pollution, which leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, which leads to irregular climate change and increased temperatures. The Effects Of Ocean Acidification However, when the levels of carbon concentration increases, the H in pH also increases causing the pH values to decline.
Coral Endangerment Although we are unsure if acidification can lead to coral bleaching at this time, it is obvious to see the negative effects it is having on our reefs Ware. Coral Reef Types Heat of the ocean water can affect the coral reefs. Related Topics. Coral reef Tourism Global warming Ocean Carbon dioxide Great Barrier Reef. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps, coral reef essay.
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persuasive essay: coral reefs
, time: 9:15Lark Coral Reef Essay - Words | Bartleby

16/8/ · Coral reefs are massive and complex structures made of limestone that is deposited by living sea organisms. The reefs are mainly composed of the skeletons of tiny, fragile animals called coral. Although there are hundreds of different species of corals, they are generally classified as either “hard coral” or “soft coral.”Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins The coral reef is in the shallow part of the ocean it is usually clear and the warmth is about medium. The warmth in the coral reefs stays between 75 degrees to 85 degrees. The coral reefs is located around the indo pacific region Austria American and African west coast. The coral reef biome is over 1, miles 24/2/ · A fringing reef is a coralline platform lying close to the shore extending outwards from the mainland. It is sometimes separated from the shore by a shallow lagoon. It is widest when fringing a protruding headland but completely absent when facing the mouth of a blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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