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Gambling addiction essay

Gambling addiction essay

gambling addiction essay

Compulsive Gambling can be addicted to the adventure of the risk. An addictive gambler is anxious of winning and will tend to play with games that involve other players, so they can feel the adrenaline rush. In addition, gambling brings family problems because gaming causes emotional issues, and it has an impact on children May 02,  · These attributes are: constantly thinking about gambling, or about where to find more money to gamble (including theft and fraud); asking other people for money to continue gambling; gambling in an attempt to recover lost money; similarly to substance addiction, a pathological gambler needs the increasing amounts of money to feel the same thrill; gambling mostly is done to cope with 5/5 Gambling, often described as a simple form of entertainment, has become uncontrollable behavior to many people. Pathological gamblers, gambling addicts, or compulsive gamblers are terms used to describe a person who considers gambling more than a diversion. One important reason is the rapid expansion of legal gambling

Gambling Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Gambling The negative effects of gambling have been researched, touted, published and spewed forth from the mouths of researchers and do-gooders for decades, yet there has been gambling addiction essay astonishing lack of research accomplished on the positive aspects of gambling influences on modern society or even past societies for that matter, gambling addiction essay.

The reason behind such paucity might be that there are no positive aspects to gambling and that it leads to a plethora of problems that have negative connotations written all over them. On the other hand, it could also be that researchers have just not taken the time or made the effort to determine the gambling addiction essay aspects primarily because it is so easy to see the negative over the positive.

This lack of effort on the researcher's part could also be that they gambling addiction essay not wish to be seen personally commending an act that so many others find reprehensible.

Works Cited Abbot, M. Volberg, R. Bellringer, M. Wardle, Heather. Orford, gambling addiction essay, Jim. Sproston, Kerry. Erens, Bob. Also, the more the person loses money, the more likely they are to become emotionally distraught and potentially violent, especially when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. As organized crime and gambling go hand-in-hand, gambling addiction essay, so too do organized crime and drugs, gambling addiction essay, which is why gambling and drugs are closely related sociological deviant phenomenon, phenomenon that all Christians should firmly oppose.

Gambling creates widespread familial and personal problems as well as sociological ones. For example, people who gamble sometimes spend their life savings or their spouse's hard-earned income. Throwing money away on betting can completely tear apart families. hen the spouse expresses disapproval, the gambler will retort with a slew of excuses or justifications.

Arguments and outright fights might ensue, and all too often children are involved in the cross-fire. Gambling can be a major marital issue that can lead to divorce and even spousal or child abuse. Gambling is…. Works Cited The Christian and Gambling. htm Dew, Diane. Gambling and the Bible. Yet, not every group gambles equally often, demographically. Protestants seem less likely to gamble than Catholics. Culture plays a role, and demographics affect the choice gambling venue method, gambling addiction essay.

The method of gambling may also influence the likelihood of abuse. Continuous activities are more likely to be associated with gambling problems. The perception, gambling addiction essay, if not the actual probability of earning an easy reward, creates a faulty system of thinking in all subjects. Regular gamblers tend to score higher on measures of sensation seeking than controls and problem gamblers engage in a very limited range of activities -- does the impulse control and limited life result or cause the behaviour?

There gambling addiction essay also different gambling 'types. The other uses a gambling subculture…. Works Gambling addiction essay Barrett, Will. Gambling addiction essay opinion: Austrialia's e-journal of social and political debate. Thus, people become too involved in the gambling itself, loosing control of taking back their senses.

This then can result in a serious gambling problem, which if not treated properly, can harbor serious gambling addiction essay ramifications within the context of the person's life. Support groups and addiction programs can help keep people from being consumed gambling addiction essay their habits. This is stark contrast of the defining elements of a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be things to do on the side to increase enjoyment, not to consume gambling addiction essay entire whole of the individual.

Additionally, gambling has long been known for its negative consequences; which definitely keep it from fulfilling the defining elements of a hobby. It has also been long associated with other forms of addictive vices, such as drinking and drug abuse. Thus, gambling can go hand in hand with other crimes, and be a facilitator for the existence of crime…. References Anderson, Dan, gambling addiction essay.

Gambling as a profession. ABC Article Directory. Official gamblers' home page. International Service Office. Gambling among college students is a growing problem on campuses across the country. A study released in May by the National Collegiate Athletic Association showed a growing tendency toward gambling among college-student-athletes, prompting the NCAA to commission a task force to study the problem Dooley Pp.

According to NCAA President Myles Brand, "The scope of sports wagering among intercollegiate student-athletes is startling and disturbing Sports wagering is a double threat because it harms the well-being of student-athletes and the integrity of college sports" Dooley Pp.

Gambling addiction essay, golf, wrestling and lacrosse were the sports with the highest percentages of male athletes betting, while the sports with the largest numbers of female wagering were golf, gambling addiction essay, lacrosse, basketball and field hockey Dooley Pp.

One college student confessed that he…. Work Cited Dooley, Jason. Breaux, Kia Shante. Gambling Odds Casino gambling in the United States is growing rapidly and shows no signs of abating.

Since the first casinos opened on Native American reservations, many states have seen the potential revenue that gambling can add to its coffers. hen Pennsylvania decided to add casino gambling init was with the idea that it could generate enough revenue to supply some tax relief. This remarkable surge in gambling would not exist if not for the desire of average people to make large amounts of money in a short time.

Every person who enters a casino seems sure that their large payday is imminent and they continue to spend, reasoning that eventually one…. Works Cited Walters, Patrick. NBCUniversal, Inc. Eadington, William R. These subcultures discourage respect for property, encourage violence and revenge, gambling addiction essay, and depress the economy of the areas in which they operate Consensual pp.

Federal and state laws prohibit the placing of bets on professional and college sporting events in every state except Nevada, yet, illegal sports wagering continues to prosper Saum pp.

The main reason for the increase in illegal sport wagering is that society accepts gambling and believes there are no victims Saum pp. In fact, gambling is becoming an accepted gambling addiction essay in areas of the country that never before had access, virtually everyone can buy a lottery ticket, bet on a horse, or drive to a riverboat casino just a short trip away Saum pp.

Due to its growing popularity, people are becoming less sensitive to the dangers of gambling and more and more are viewing sports wagering as a socially acceptable way to enjoy sporting events with….

Works Cited Consensual crime. law enforcement management strategies " The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Retrieved July 13, from HighBeam Research Library Web site. Saum, William S. As such the stigma that once existed concerning gambling no longer exists, gambling addiction essay. People are therefore more likely to engage in gambling activities and more likely gambling addiction essay develop an addiction to gambling.

The author further explains that even though there are still social conflicts concerning the implementation and expansion of certain types of gambling such as, video lottery, terminals gambling has become a largely accepted practice Cosgrave In addition, gambling is an activity that is mass-marketed by private gambling companies and states as type of leisure activity Cosgrave This mass-marketing of gambling sends a message to consumers that gambling is an activity that is accepted and even expected in that particular community.

As such people are more likely to participate in such and activity and less likely to feel guilty as a result of such participation. Cosgrave further explains that gambling addictions have a great deal to do…. References Casey, E. Ashgate Publishing. html Cosgrave, gambling addiction essay, James F. And Thomas R. Gambling against the state: The state and the legitimation of gambling. Current Sociology 4 5 :1 -- Cosgrave J.

Embedded Addiction: The Social Production of Gambling Knowledge and the Development of Gambling Markets. Canadian Journal of Sociology.

Vol 35, No The Gamblers Anonymous group makes the point that they are not affiliated with any particular religion, but they have spiritual tenets within the structure of their recovery program. They also indicate that compulsive gambling is not a financial problem; it's an "emotional problem" and along with the addiction the individual involved can begin experiencing problems with his or her marriage, with employment, with friends and with the law.

The Mayo Clinic says that compulsive gambling is an "impulse-control disorder. Those with impulse-control disorder generally receive a feeling of "emotional arousal or excitement" prior to engaging in whatever behavior they are obsessed with. Following the emotional arousal and excitement, the person -- when he or she actually begins physically engaging in gambling -- gets a….

Works Cited Gamblers Anonymous. Questions and Answers. Retrieved Nov, gambling addiction essay. Cyber gamblers might feel less threatened since the context entitles them to hide their identity; thus, the individual feel less responsible for his or her actions. Note also that in the workplace, gambling does not raise much commotion as that of pornography.

How to stop Gambling addiction, problem gambling or gambling disorder forever

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How To Write A Research Paper On Gambling Addiction| Homework Assist - MyHomeworkWriters

gambling addiction essay

Aug 21,  · It’s Not a Choice – It’s a Gambling Disorder. Gambling addiction is a disease. It’s not a bad habit, carelessness or reckless behavior and it’s not a sign of a lack of care for the family at home. Those are misconceptions – some of the myths of problem gambling. Just like addictions to drugs and alcohol, this addiction is a disease Dec 31,  · Essay about Gambling Addiction The text states that the one problem in gambling has visibly endured is known as problem gambling. Government officials have long demanded a solution from gaming operators to address this major issue Gambling Addiction Essay. Words5 Pages. Gambling Addiction. Gambling addiction is an issue found in numerous areas where gambling is legal. People who are addicted to gambling, also know as problem gamblers, face many health risks including depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, migraine and anxiety in addition to marriage breakdown, problems at work and

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